Ahualoa Community Association

aerialA website for our group will be growing here gradually.

The next Board meeting is:

February 8, 2012
Marc Maloney will join us at our board meeting 7 PM at the Volcano Island Honey Farm on Pua Ono Road.

The last General meeting was:

August 11, 2011 7PM at NHERC. Contact Eric Johnsen, ACA secretary, at 775-0197 for directions to the meeting site.

Minutes of the ACA Meeting, Feb. 10 2011

Newsletter, July 2010:

The ACA is beginning to thrive again. Our lively monthly get-together was held at 7:00 PM, July 8 at the Volcano Island Honey Company’s meeting room. The pleasant space was available thanks to the continued generosity of Richard Spiegel.
Discussions were varied and interesting and ran from the biological to the technical: coqui frogs, the strawberry guava biological control scheme, the puccinia rust plant disease that has decimated the rose apple, the community wide desire for much better internet access and cell service in our area and the question of how to get providers of those services to respond to our needs. Also discussed was the lack of progress on repair of Mamalahoa Highway where it was damaged by the earthquake of 2006, creating a one lane, blind curve situation. Speaking with the engineer in charge of that project, we find that the repair has been designed for the second time and is awaiting approval of funding from FEMA.
All present at the meeting agreed that the first step to having some influence in these areas is to grow the membership of the A.C.A. and represent our needs and desires as a group to relevant agencies and businesses. To this end we are initiating a drive encouraging participation via this published article and a soon-to-come direct mailing to the approximately 200 names on our old data list.

There are many points of view in the community and we all benefit from hearing them. We invite you to join, attend our monthly meetings and participate at any level possible. We value your participation and perspective.

To join:

Ahualoa Community Association Membership is only $6.00 per family per year!

Name(s) _______________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________

Contact info ____________________________________________________
What I (we) wish the community association would do:

Mail to: A.C.A Box 5 Honoka’a, HI 96727

Our board/officers:

As of March 2010:
Connie Fay, president.
Ben Discoe, vice president.
Dianne Holschuh, treasurer.
Eric Johnsen, secretary.

We held a meeting on March 18, 2010, with 16 people in attendance - see the minutes (revised 2010-04-01)

About Our Community

Here is a general description of Ahualoa, and links to Ahualoa people and businesses with a web presence.

Here are notes from a talk-story held in Ahualoa in late 2009 as part of the Hamakua CDP process.  It shows many of the issues that Ahualoa people are concerned about when visioning our community over the next 20 years: